Mother’s Day needn’t be daunting. It can be joyful fun. In fact, make it magical for Mom and free for you. Do it with free and magical mom gifts. Here’s how.
Free & Magical Mom Gifts Fill an Empty Basket with Hope
Schools encourage kids to make cards and buy plants for Mother’s Day. It’s a lovely thought and cards play the heartstrings. But this can wear thin for kids as they get older. It can also feel kinda lame to get money from Dad to buy something. Especially when they get into pre-teen and teen years, kids want more agency.
I was a wild and independent kid. But I also wanted to please my Mom. In fact, it meant a lot to me. When Mother’s day rolled around and I was 12 years old, I wanted to go all out. Thing was, I didn’t have any money. I was broke. Not only that, I was notorious BabyKflo. The “naughty one”. I needed a fresh start – a redo. It was Spring, the season of new beginnings. I hopped on my bike and cycled into town. It was a mission to find free and magical mom gifts. I was on my way.
This was going to be her best Mother’s Day ever. I meant business. My wallet was empty. My chances were slim. But my heart fluttered with hope. I could make this happen. At home I’d secreted a basket away in my closet. I found it in our lilac bushes by the roadside. Somebody’d tossed it. They thought it garbage. But I saw its beauty. All I had to do was fill it and I’d win Mother’s Day. Of course, this contest was only in my head… but isn’t everything?

Free & Magical Mom Gifts at the Mall
I parked and locked my bike at the rinky dink mall in town. Luckily, I had my trusty Jordache jean backpack. Even as a kid, I knew to plan ahead. Kid on a mission, I hit the perfume counters. At every brand I told the pretty makeup lady my goal. With no money, I wanted my mom to have a fantastic Mother’s Day. Could she give me some perfume samples to fill a basket for her?
They all said yes. Many gave me several. It was delightful. The perfume samples came coiffed in brand perfection. Each sat in its very own delicate, flirty sleeve. They already seemed “wrapped and ready” to give as a present. I biked home with a bag packed with gifts. My chest pounded with victory. I was going to make her smile. It thrilled me like lightning. I pumped the pedals like my heart’s cartwheels.
At home I filled the empty basket and rearranged it a few thousand times. It was a great gift. I’d already won. But I was also an itchy overachiever. I always wanted to do more. Besides, I still had a few days before Mother’s Day. It was critical to me that my free and magical mom gifts win the day.
Even at twelve years old, I was a writer. So, I decided to write something for her. Not a card – something more meaningful. English class had taught me to stimulate the senses. I’d taken care of that with the basket. She had the gift of fragrance. Sensory mission accomplished. But what about making her feel like a good mom? I was on task.
Write Lists for Free & Magical Mom Gifts
Lists thrill me. They ease my mind when I’m overwhelmed. They satiate my control freak urges. But most important, they help me find meaning. I’m a fan of pros and cons side by side. It helps me make decisions. I also like “to do” and her sister “big ideas for later”. Lists are like friends. It’s a comfort to check in with them.
I wrote a Mother’s Day list. To keep it simple I stuck to the topic at hand. I listed 12 things because I was 12 years old. The list title? 12 Reasons You’re a Great Mom. It could have had many other titles. 12 Things I Love About You. “12 Reasons You’re the Greatest”. You get the idea. I used my best penmanship to compose a careful and kind list. My vocabulary blossomed and my mind soared. I focused on specific details to keep it special. What were the things that only I could say about only her? That kept it close to the heart. Personal particulars have that effect.
Then I found a lavender hair ribbon in the back of a drawer and rolled up the list. I tied a bow around it with the ribbon. This took the place of honor in the middle of the basket. I was ready for Mother’s Day. I didn’t spend a cent. It was a win and I knew it long before the day came. Finally, I nailed free and magical mom gifts.
Easy & Free Magical Mom Gifts
Not everybody appreciates free and magical mom gifts like this. I get that. But the thing is, Moms do. She wants to know you care. Mom appreciates when you spend time on her. Show that you thought about her. Give some consideration and gratitude. Best part of this gift is that by its very nature, it shows her she’s a fantastic mom. She did a good job.
You don’t have to spend money to prove that to her. All you have to do is show up in her life. Call her. Write her a love note. Send her a funny meme. Tell Mom you were thinking about her. These things are all free. They’re her favorite things. Mom likes them best because they came from you. It’s that easy.