Primavera (Spring) by Sandro Botticelli

Primavera - Spring - by sandro - botticelli

In this evaluation of the painting Primavera by Botticelli I cover the following concepts:

• Why Primavera is such a popular painting
• Mythical characters featured in Primavera
• Love stories in the Primavera painting
• My Primavera YouTube video
• Frequently Asked Questions including, “Why is Sandro Botticelli’s painting Primavera important?”

Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

Italian Masterpiece Sandro Botticelli Birth of Venus

Birth of Venus serves up instant recognition. We’re all familiar with Sandro Botticelli’s masterpiece. Still, have we really looked at it? It’s a birth. That’s messy, baby-centric, business. But this portrait shows neither mess nor baby – only beauty.